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Put together and plan your own trip to East Bohemia!
With the help of our Trip Planner you can put together your own list of places and events that you plan to visit, and services that you plan to use during your trip. If you have already experienced a great trip in East Bohemia, the Trip Planner can also be used retrospectively, i.e. organise a trip, complete it with photographs you took and make it available to other visitors to the portal.
Using the planner is quick and simple. For all items on the portal, whether it is a tourist destination, service or event, all you have to do is click on the icon and thus the given item is added to your Trip Planner to the last day. The order of items on the lists can be changed and shifted as you please. Just use the drag&drop function ("táhni a pusť) – click on the icon
and by holding the button down on the mouse and moving it you transfer the item into a different order, into the list of spare items or any of your other trips. The picture below shows how to move items.
You also have the option to delete items in the Trip Planner by clicking on the icon (the same icon as used for deleting the entire day) and using the icon
you can add your own comments to the items (e.g. opening hours, reservation requirements etc.). Comments are deleted from the item when you deleted all of the text contents for the given item. Comments can be added also between items – the independent rectangular field is intended for that
Přidat poznámku. This comment can also be moved as you wish, just as with items within the scope of trips.
The items selected in your trip can also be added without registration, nevertheless, we highly recommend registering, in order to be certain that your organised trip or trips are saved. Thanks to registering you can also set the option to receive newsletters from the portal.
There is also a large amount of already prepared, so-called inspiration programmes and special offers available on the portal. If you click on the icon ,for the selected programme, the entire programme is added to your list of programmes and you can modify, expand, and shorten it as you please according to your preferences. Even a trip that has been arranged this way can be offered to others to use. All you have to do is cross out "I wish to present the trip to the public" on the Trip Planner settings card and add the remaining information.
Naturally, using the Trip Planner you can create any number of trips. By clicking the button Overview you can display the trip as a separate presentation, where you can:
A range of attractive events is available every week.
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